Friday, May 20, 2011


My final papers are coming up so i have to go and study. I'll be leaving my blog 4 a lil while so that i could concentrate on my studies .... so dat i can make my future lane straight. Do wish me good luck for my studies and my papers and may Allah help me in this difficult task (Ameen)

MoBiL3 C0VeR De$iGniNg

“Beneath The Makeup And Behind The Smile I'm Just A Girl Who Wishes For The World.”

You Shouldn't Feel Guilty For Remembering. The Past Made You Who You Are. You Need To Remember. It's A Requirement.

Chocolate Is Said To Contain Phenylthylamine, The Same Chemical Your Brain Produces When You're In Love. No Love Life? Eat Chocolate.

The Mind Of A Suicider

Trust..... is a word unknown to me. It can be broken by people from whom we are least expecting. Life and time are piercing through my skin deep, with the wounds crying out for any help, but. The wounds will heal but the pain shall give me ease. Till i fall a sleep. When people will come beside me and regret that why didn't try to understand me......... they'll totally forget the time THEY THEMSELVES NEGLECTED.