Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

OnE oF mY fAv liNes. . .

ThE reAL eMotiOnS wHiLe sTanDinG foR the TrAffiC sigNaL

SeRiouSLy foR uS thiS iS nOt a ReaSon to FaiL ouR exAms!!

MiSsinG u WaLLy . . . . . Hope ur exams finish eArLy aNd on @ gOodnOte!!

BeiNg In AlmOsT EveRy SoCieTy!!

hehehehe i know it was a mistake to join 4 societies in college and along with that being a dissector too!! i guess i got my work cut out ;) Thank God we have to renew our membership next year otherwise i would have been screwed :$ .... But i can't help it i like writing literature as hobby, I have a passion for research, and so do i want to do something globally (through ifmsa) and activities well i joined that coz then me and my friends could to go several arts n science festivals ;] ....Well its kind frustrated sometimes too but i made a decision so will i continue it!!

FeLt LiKe iT!
