Sunday, October 10, 2010


   If you pass by the university road in Peshawar, I m sure that you'll see more tuition centers then high schools around you. Previously those students were thought to be dumb, who took tuitions. But, now it has become a trend to send children to these tuition center. I guess all children wanna be dumb, or at least be considered as dumb. (no hard feeling, i also went with the flow a few times)
   BUT it's not the children's fault, rather its the tutors of high school who are at fault. The teachers should teach the students so good that they should never feel the need of going to tuition centers (except some honest teachers).
   Once a student gets a tuition. He/she stops taking interest in the school classes. Again they are not at fault because they already know that they won't understand in class and so they try to understand their best in the tuition class.
   Its not like students want to go to tuition. You tell me... who wants to ruin their sleep and go STUDY. Its just that they have to go, because there is no other choice. They have already paid the fee, so they have to go. Then, there are other problems for the tuition students i.e. transport, large amount of fee etc.
   Soo for the rest of the students who can't go to these tuitions due to one reason or the other. Who have to coupe up with the high school teachers, they are no match for the tuition students. Because, in tuition they get to know so many other things. THIS IS NOT FAIR. You decide is it ? or is it not ?

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